26 January 2009


To get rid of as useless or undesireable.

I wonder how long these dirty, odd socks will lay discarded on the living room floor if I don't move them?
Neither of the boys want to find the missing half to the pairs, and yes, they are smelly!


  1. If it was my house it would be until i picked them up or the dogs tried to eat them that they would lay there waiting. Great shot!

  2. Forever if your kiddos are like mine. It's amazing how many times they'll step over things on the floor!

  3. Mine wouldn't stay there long as our Cocker Spaniel has a sock fetish he even jumps up at radiators to get them. Not sure why though as all he does is walk round the house with them in his mouth like a new born puppy. x

  4. You could do a detailed scientific study and track the movement of the socks around the house. If they can do it for plastic bags in the ocean, surely it's just as relevant for sock movement!

  5. I have the same problem but with wet towels after my son has a shower. Nice shot!

  6. I like your interpretation - very creative. Thanks for your feedback the other day AND for being my first 'follower'... the pressure's on now!
