26 June 2010



A cat who loves water?

24 June 2010



The things I'll do to "get the shot!"

21 June 2010

21 May 2010

20 May 2010

Ten Questions

I've been tagged by Tammy to answer these questions...

1. What is your happy color? Green, love green it's so mellow and goes well with my ginger hair!

2. What one product could you live without but wouldn't want to? Hand cream, I worry about getting "old lady" hands :O(

3. What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate!

4. If you could travel anyplace in the world, where would you want to go and why? A deserted beach, with beautiful golden sands and clear blue sea, anywhere, to experience true peace and quiet.

5. Favorite t.v. show? Greys Anatomy. It makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

6. You have 24 hours of free time with no expectations, no work, no cleaning, no fixing meals, just free time. How will you spend it? Sat relaxing with Ray, watching the twins play. Laughing and enjoying each other.

7. You are being given the gift of one super-power (think cartoon characters - flying, xray vision, super strength, etc.). What super-power do you choose and why? The ability to stop time so that I can stop always being in a rush to do things. My life is passing too quick!

8. Favorite quote? The definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result!

9. Describe one of your funniest/silliest/most embarrassing moments?
It's all three but very rude, involves a tent and a fish and chip wrapper. Enough said about that!
Will have to think about another one, haha, cos I'm soooo sensible :O)

10. Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist 99% of the time, you just gotta be these days.


19 May 2010

18 May 2010

17 May 2010

15 February 2010

13 February 2010

12 February 2010

29 January 2010

28 January 2010

20 January 2010

19 January 2010

18 January 2010

17 January 2010

16 January 2010



The Best Way To Begin The B's

So we're into our B weeks already, I feel that this year is going to fly over!

Ok, so I kicked off our B's with a big glass of Baileys and I'm now relaxing whilst watching the Bounty Hunter. I love this show and so do the kids, they love seeing the bad guys being caught. Plus Duane Lee is hot ;O)

I also have planned on watching Beaches, never seen it all the way through before! I'll read Body Rides by Richard Laymon and will try and bake Brownie Biscotti, I never feel very confident with any kind of biscuits so we'll see what happens with that one.

I hardly ever eat burgers but I have bought some that are only 5 syns per pack of 4, so I'm going to enjoy Burger for my supper tonight whilst I sort out our budget, another thing that I hardly ever do but really needs doing.

With the kids I'd like to make Balloon animals and some bird feeders 'cos I think we're going to have this cold weather for a long time.

11 January 2010

10 January 2010


Durham Light Infantry formally 68th Regiment of Foots colours which hang in Durham Cathedral. They date right back to when they were formed in 1758.


06 January 2010

05 January 2010

04 January 2010


I always get a chuckle reading my horoscopes, so I thought that as one of my A's I would add an Astrology Application to my fb and read it every day until the 14th. Hmmmm, now what do I want??? haha.


I know, I know. Back at it AGAIN! Well lets see how well I can do in 2010.

03 January 2010


Didn't realise we had this movie until I went searching for A movies. Glad I found it as it was very enjoyable, Huge Jackman was very enjoyable. Erm, what was the movie about again?! lol.

01 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New year! Can't believe we're starting yet another new year so fast.

Right, so this year I hope to be able to share some nice photos with you and I'm also joining in with A to Z Year which should be fun. It's going to be a family thing so anything is possible :O)

Here's to a fantastic year!